Cranfield Academy is an ENHANCED Values School!
Comments from the Assessors include:
- “Cranfield C of E Academy is a clear role model for a Values based Education school.”
- “Values-based Education is a way of life for all children from two years old upwards.”
- “All staff are united in their passion for Values-Based Education.”
- “The Headteacher is a shining role model in his treatment of every individual with respect. He actively searches for the positive in everyone.”
- “The school is extremely hard working in its approach to inclusion of every child and adult.”
- “Cranfield’s outstanding strength is relationships and the way that everyone is considered at all times and staff and pupil well-being is paramount.”
- “It is a very happy school underpinned firmly by VbE, so that you are greeted with a smile on every corner.”
- “The families of Cranfield School are very happy and ‘Being Cranfield’ is something of which they are very proud.”
- “The atmosphere in all classrooms radiated Values – warm, nurturing, caring and pupils were clearly happy and confident in their surroundings.”
- “Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is a real strength.”
- “Pupils from the Academy Parliament all explained that the school is a very happy place to be.”
- “The school has a very strong ethos and aims and the Values based philosophy is also very strongly aligned to the C of E vision.”
- “The Governing Body is a great asset to the school and Governors also share in the outward looking philosophy of the school”
- “Staff model Values at all times and children are aware of what Values behaviour is expected of them. They open doors for others and are polite and happy in their interactions with everyone.”
- “The school leadership, role modelled exceptionally by the Headteacher, is outward looking and embraces strategies and approaches that are consistent with Values-based Education.”
- “It is a shining example of a VbE school.”
- “Most impressive, is the depth to which the children understand the Values and how they can improve their lives and the lives of others.”
- “School improvement is firmly based on the principles of Values-based Education."